Perception of quality and confidence in Iberian ham. Consumer and seller perspectives


  • Laura Patricia Sánchez-Vega
  • Santiago Amaya-Corchuelo
  • Angélica Espinoza-Ortega



contemporary food, perceived quality, subjectivities, points of view, trust building, credit attributes.


Objective: The aim is to analyze the perceptions about the quality of Iberian ham through the appreciations of consumers and sellers. Based on trust understood as interaction between both agents in the food chain. Methodology: A qualitative exploratory methodology was used, applying a questionnaire to 100 consumers and 30 ham vendors. Results: It was found that the current production processes and the incorporation of technology to the Iberian ham sector show four types of perceptions that were classified as positive current, better in the past, neutral and permanent. Limitations: There was no classification of the type of seller, and the size of the sample does not allow generalizations, so for future research it will be necessary to address these suggestions. Conclusions: The changes in the conception of quality are related to the perception on the application of the regulations of the ham sector, but fundamentally depend on the dynamic and built trust relationships between the consumer and the seller.


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