Women in Marine Fisheries of Barra de San Pedro, Tabasco, Mexico: Their Personal Stories





regional development, marine fisheries, gender, food sustainability, food processing, fisheries economics, traditional knowledge


Objective: This essay describes the experience and aspirations of women working in marine fishing in Barra de San Pedro, Centla, Tabasco, those who possess knowledge, ways of organizing their work materials, and timing in the development of fishing activities. Problem statement: Officially, women are rendered invisible, poorly recognized, and even excluded from their participation in fisheries and the entire value chain. Women in fishing have little influence in decision-making regarding resource management. However, their work is crucial for maximizing the value of fishery products. Her voice has been systematically ignored; therefore, in this work, her perspective is presented through her own voice and experiences. Methodological approach: The study relied on participant observation and case studies of key actors over a period of more than fifteen years, with monthly or biweekly visits to the fishing port of Barra de San Pedro, recording the information in field journals. Conclusions: Women not only play a crucial role in the processing and marketing of fishery resources but also experience a sense of acceptance and support. Their contributions grant them a sense of pride and accomplishment, fostering their self-esteem and personal worth. Recognizing the importance of their work and ensuring their continued inclusion and support further enhances their self-perception and well-being of women in Barra de San Pedro. Women often have a broader and long-term vision, which is key to resource sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Mendoza-Carranza, Colegio de la Frontera Sur

Unidad Villahermosa. Tabasco, México.

Armando Hernández-de la Cruz, Colegio de la Frontera Sur

Unidad Villahermosa. Tabasco, México


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